Intel Developers Android - 2020/01/11 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day

Intel Developers Android - 2020/01/11 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day

Around 2013 and 2014 Intel, one of the world’s biggest semiconductor chip manufacturers, was betting big on Android. They spent a lot of money seeding their products and driving the adoption of Android as a platform, in the hope of capitalising at a later date. Products like the Orange San Diego and the Tesco Hudl 2 came from this push of Intel’s and they were pushing hard on the developer onboarding as well.

This is an Intel Developer Zone t-shirt from 2014 which I was given at an Android developer conference called Droidcon.

Sadly Intel’s efforts were not as successful as they were hoping and due to some internal refocusing that whole area of their business was refocused on other things. Just 5 years later it is definitely not common to see many Android devices running on Intel chips. This is definitely one of those “what could have been” stories of the tech industry. Well, I have a cool t-shirt to remind me of it…

Italia Online - 2020/01/12 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day

Italia Online - 2020/01/12 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day

KLM 100 Asics - 2020/01/10 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day

KLM 100 Asics - 2020/01/10 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day